Big Business Hacks that Resulted From Lost Hard Drives

How safe is your business data? If you are not using certified IT asset distribution services, you are definitely not as safe as you may think. Hopefully these business hacks will show you the importance of investing in an ITAD strategy for your business.


U.S. Military

The idea of our military being hacked is a scary one– but unfortunately, it has happened. In 2009, the U.S. military put the information of 76 million veterans at risk.

How’d it happen? A hard drive got into the wrong hands after proper protocol was not followed and a defective hard drive was not properly recycled.

The lesson? Make sure your business ITAD policy is well known and followed by employees. Defective hard ware should be destroyed immediately.

Gap, Inc.

Less than a decade ago, popular clothing retailer Gap, Inc. (who owns Old Navy and Banana Republic) lost personal records of over 800,000 employees and applicants. The breach occurred after two laptops were stolen from a vendor.

How could an ITAD policy have helped? Keeping track of where data is stored, and preferably in-house, could have prevented the data breach. Lesson learned?  Keep detailed records of who has each piece of technology, and try to keep data in-house when possible.

Why Certified ITAD is a Must for Small Business

Without using certified ITAD, you are putting your business at-risk of falling victim to a hack. Tossing out old electronics, failing to keep track of your business tech, and using uncertified services are just a few ways to lose valuable data.

If you’d like to learn more about how certified ITAD can protect your business, contact R3 Recycling in San Marcos, Texas. Our services are always 100% free— so keep your data safe and contact us today.



Keeping Consumer Data Safe (and Avoiding a Lawsuit)

It’s undebatable that one of the most pressing issues facing companies in 2017 is keeping their consumer’s data secure. Over the past year, we have seen how vulnerable businesses are to data breaches–with Target and Sony both facing lawsuits after their customers’ information was leaked.


This begs the question, are consumer data lawsuits on the rise? It appears that this may be the case. So, how can your business not only protect its customer’s data, but also protect itself from a lawsuit?

Necessary Measures to Protect Data

There are a number of measures that your business should take in order to help secure business data. In fact, proving that your business has taken as many precautionary measures as possible can help your business’ case should a lawsuit arise.

Here’s a few tips for you business:

  • Update software regularly
  • Use strong passwords (and change them frequently)
  • Research vendors
  • Monitor network touchpoints
  • Educate employees and employ procedures
  • Keep track of all business technology (never let anything go missing)
  • Responsibly dispose of all off-network tech

Of course, these are just a few of the many ways you can help keep your business safe from a data breach.

How Can We Help?

R3 Recycling in San Marcos, Texas can help your business keep its data secure once your technology has reached the end of its lifecycle. We use certified IT asset destruction methods to ensure that all data is destroyed–leaving it impossible to be discovered by an intruder.

Contact  to learn how you can get a certificate of destruction for your off-network tech and protect your consumers (and your business).

How to Start a Business ITAD Policy

We’ve discussed what IT Asset Disposition is and how it is beneficial to your business, but how do you actually put the policy into practice? If your business is interested in ITAD and is struggling with how to implement the process, then this article is a must read. Here’s how to start a business ITAD policy.


Review Current ITAD Policy

Does your business have a current ITAD policy? What becomes of off-network technology? Does it build-up in an old storage closet, given to employees to take home, or thrown into the dump? If there is not a clear ITAD policy established at your business, it’s time to take time and write down a company procedure for disposing of off-network technology. This will ensure that all employees are on the same page and allow your business to maximize ROI (more on that later).

Find a Certified ITAD Center

Emphasis on certified. We’ve discussed how to choose a certified IT Asset Distribution center in the past, but here’s a quick refresh.

  • Look for certifications, such as R2 and E-stewards (are they responsible?)
  • Ask about data security protocol (is your business data safe?)
  • Does your off-network tech have value (can you make money?)
  • Transportation solutions (will they pick it up?)

Asking these questions will help you find the right ITAD center for you and make putting your business ITAD policy into action easier than ever.

Maximize ROI

After discussing the value of your off-network technology with your certified ITAD center of choice, use the information to maximize your return on investment when acquiring new technology. Many ITAD centers offer remarketed technology that can save your company money when upgrading to new tech, as well as providing you with money in return for your off-network equipment.

The Only Certified ITAD Center in Hays County

If you would like to know more about how you can implement a business ITAD policy, contact R3 Recycling in San Marcos, Texas. We are the only certified ITAD center in Hays County, and service areas within 100 miles. We will pick up your equipment, and cut you a check for the value it holds. So why wait? Start your business ITAD policy today.





How to Protect Your Data Security

Data security is a serious concern for many Americans. It seems that almost weekly there is a news story about breaches in data. So, how can you keep your personal data safe in such a vulnerable world?

safe_share_padlockShred Documents

Always, always shred documents containing personal information. Never simply throw this information away. It’s an easy way for your sensitive information to be discovered by unwanted people.

Change Passwords

Don’t use the same password for more than 6 months to a year. It’s important to regularly change passwords in order to prevent hackers. Also, make sure you are using a strong password, and don’t use the same password for all of your sensitive accounts. It may be too easy to resist, but remember, your data is at stake.

Turn Off Your Computer

Leaving your device connected to the internet while not in use is a great way to expose yourself to rogue spyware attacks. To avoid being a victim of this, remember to always power off your computer while not in use. It may take a bit longer to log on than usual, but your computer’s health and security will benefit.

Sanitize Old Hard Drives

Don’t dispose of your old hard drives in the trash without getting them professionally sanitized. There are many faulty methods, like using a magnet, that do not actually work in making your old data unrecoverable. Depending on if you plan on reusing or selling the hard drive in the computer, or simply getting rid of it for good, use the proper encryption and destruction methods that will keep your data safe.

Your security is important to us. If you have a hard drive that needs sanitization, contact R3 Recycling in San Marcos, Texas. We adhere to strict regulations that keep your data safe.